Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring "Break"

Right now, I am halfway through spring break. Which isn't really much of a spring break at all. It has been nice though! It has been a chance for everyone to catch up on some work and get a lot of projects done.
I ended up being sick with an asthma flare at the beginning of my break. That meant a few days of prednisone a lots of xoponex nebulizers! It was a bad time but a good time too, because I could stay home in bed and read for a few days. That was last Thursday until about Tuesday...
I've also had lots of projects to do. Two technology group work projects and a big presentation.
Then there is the work that we would normally have during a average school week..that doesn't go away! Just the classes!!!
So MAT students do not get a break.
We get a break from each other...but I realized today that I really miss everyone! I did some work today with Katie, one of the people in my cohort, and I realized I hadn't seen her in a week...which is a lot when you usually see someone every day. I think we are a good support system for each other.
Tomorrow we are finishing our group project, so I will get to work with some more people I miss.
Soon break will be over though, and we can all get back to seeing each other all the time and working non-stop again, supporting each other all the way. This little teasing thing called "spring break" will be a thing of a past.

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