Monday, March 17, 2008

Unwrapping the Gift

This blog is my story about teaching. I am in the beginning of a Master of Art in Teaching program at Salisbury University. I went to undergrad at Franklin and Marshall College and earned a degree in history and classics, although I am originally from the Eastern Shore. In some ways, it is nice to be back home. In some ways, I am eager to get away again!
I decided to start this blog, separate from my other one ( to chronicle the beginning of my teaching career. I can tell from the very beginning that it is going to be tough, but something I know with 100% certainty that I will love to do.

Unwrapping the Gift. I chose this for my blog name for a few reasons. This may form into my teaching this point in the game it seems to be. I think that each student comes into school with their own package. Each package is different, a different shape, different wrapping paper on it, and the kids are busting out of it at all different rates. We need to give everyone their own chance to unwrap their own gifts, and through the use of multiple intelligences in the curriculum, group work, and a spiral curriculum, each "gift" will be welcome, and opened at their own pace.
I also chose this name because, during the next year and a half (and over the course of the last 3 months) I have been unwrapping my own "gift." I hope it doesn't sound too cocky to call it a gift. In our classes, we have discussed if we think teachers are born or made, and decided that it is a combination of the two. So I think I have a gift inside of me...this is what I am meant to do in the world. There are other things that I could be doing with some of my talents, but I think this is what is right for me because it makes the best use of all of them.
So this blog is also the story of me, learning how to unwrap my own gift. Enjoy!

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